Facial injuries are quite common if you play sports daily. You might lose one or two teeth, which is not desirable. From smiling, eating, and talking, everything will be interrupted if there is a problem with your teeth. So, if you are into sports, then to prevent mouth injuries, you can wear athletic mouthguards.
Mouthguards act as protectors for your mouth by saving it from blows. It minimizes the probability of facial injuries, and protect your teeth from injuries and falling off. It is a protective mouth gear that you should include in your standard equipment from a very early stage. Collision and contact sports have higher probabilities of facial injuries, but non-contact sports can also cause injuries.
Types of mouthguards
The best mouthguards will be the one that has been customized for your mouth by your dentist. But they are quite expensive and if you wish to get more affordable options, then here is a list of different types of mouthguards:
- Custom made – These mouthguards are made by your dentist personally for you. They are made only for you according to the shape of your mouth. Hence custom-made mouthguards are expensive compared to the other types.
- Boil and bite – You can get these mouthguards in any sports shop and drug stores. You will need to soften these mouthguards in water first and then can wear it. As you insert this, it will take the shape of your mouth gradually.
- Stock – These are the most affordable mouthguards available in the market. They are ready to wear, and hence proper fitting can be an issue. They are bulky and can make talking and breathing quite tricky.
Braces and Mouthguards
A properly fitted mouthguard is more critical for people with braces. A blow on the face can cause substantial injury, which can damage this orthodontic tool. Hence selecting the right mouthguard is very important because it will protect your teeth and braces in the right way.