
Care for Your Child’s Teeth From Infancy Through Adolescence

Children need different types of oral care as they grow from infancy to adolescence. Find out how those needs change and how we can help at Miller Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics. 

Your children rely on you to manage the health of their teeth. And your work is so important. Baby teeth set the stage for their adult counterparts. Problems that start early can reverberate throughout a child’s life. 

At Miller Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, we’re here to help. We can address infant oral health issues, teeth fillings, and more. Let us explain. 

Infant Oral Health 

You may not see your baby’s teeth right away. But they’re buried beneath the gums, just waiting to poke through. When they do appear, you’ll need to take action. 

Infant oral health involves brushing those teeny teeth. And when more than one appears, you’ll need to add flossing to the to-do list too. 

We can offer infant oral health appointments to help check your work and teach your child how to build hygiene skills too. 

Middle Childhood Oral Care 

As your child grows and changes, those teeth grow bigger and stronger. Sometimes, they develop problems too. 

We often put in teeth fillings in Boynton Beach. Baby teeth have thin enamel, and bacteria can tunnel right through. 

Dental fillings can last for years, experts say. We always use the highest quality materials. But if something happens to a filling, we can replace it. We can also cap teeth if fillings just aren’t enough. 

We can also help older children to:

  • Grow. Exams and x-rays ensure that we monitor how your child’s jaw and teeth are changing. 
  • Clean. We can demonstrate proper brushing and flossing. We can also suggest the right cleaning products. 
  • Maintain. We can help your child learn how to protect teeth during sports and other vigorous activities. 

Dental Care for Adolescents 

Cleanings, exams, and education continue as your child grows. But you may start looking for orthodontics in Boyton Beach too. 

There’s no set time when all children should get braces, but it’s typically around age 10. If your child has crooked, gapped, or overlapping teeth, braces can make a significant difference. And we can offer that help in our office.

Contact us to find out more about our doctors and schedule a visit.