How to Care for Tooth-Colored Fillings

Tooth-Colored Fillings

You’ve paid for tooth-colored restorations to stop decay and improve your child’s smile. What should happen next?

Your dentist should tell you all about how to care for tooth-colored fillings. You should know just what to do, including when to bring your child back to the office for routine care.

This information can help you prepare for the changes you’ll face when your child comes home with colored tooth fillings.

Advantages of Tooth-Colored Fillings

Some dentists offer parents a choice. You could opt for standard, silver-looking fillings. Instead, you could pick tooth-colored restorations.

A tooth-colored filling is typically more expensive than a standard version. The price is worthwhile due to:

  • Appearance. Children are very aware of their appearance, and a silver filling can make some kids feel self-conscious.
  • Sanitation. It’s easy to see when a tooth-colored filling isn’t sealing properly.
  • Safety. Tooth-colored fillings don’t have metal components that could irritate your child’s mouth.

With all of these benefits, it makes sense to invest in tooth-colored fillings. But you will need to protect your child’s teeth.

Tooth-Colored Fillings and Food

Everything your child eats and drinks can push past tooth-colored fillings and leave harm behind.

In general, your child should avoid:

  • Ice. A few cubes rattling in a drink won’t cause problems. But your child shouldn’t chew on ice chips, as they can crack fillings.
  • Hard candy. Sticky, firm candy can crack fillings in teeth. And those substances can pull fillings out of teeth too.
  • Gum. No child younger than about 5 years old should chew gum. But older children with fillings should also avoid these products, as they can pull fillings from teeth.
  • Staining substances. Deeply colored berries and drinks like cola can change a filling’s color from white to brown.

Watch what your child eats to ensure that fillings remain bright and white.

Clean Tooth-Colored Restorations

Tooth-colored fillings benefit from at-home care, and regular visits to your dentist ensure they stay bright.

Your child should develop a comprehensive at-home program that includes:

  • Brushing. Brush the teeth with a brush and paste for about 2 minutes twice per day.
  • Flossing. Use floss between all teeth once per day.
  • Rinsing. An anti-cavity rinse kills bacteria and ensures that cavities don’t have a chance to form.

Your child’s dentist should check tooth-colored fillings during each visit. Most children should see their dentist at least twice per year for examinations and cleanings.

We offer tooth-colored fillings for our pediatric patients. We’d love to tell you more about why we choose these products and how they work. Contact us to start the conversation.