What Nursing Moms Need to Know About Infant Oral Care

Infant Oral Care

Have you made the personal decision to breastfeed your newborn baby? What you may not be aware of is the fact that breastfeeding can have a significant impact on your dental health and your baby’s. Here’s what nursing moms need to know about infant oral health care Boynton Beach:

Does Breastfeeding Help Build a Better Bite?

Infants who were exclusively breastfed for their first 6 months of life have reduced chances of developing overbites, crossbites, and open bites compared to babies who weren’t. However, other factors that include thumb sucking, the use of pacifiers, and genetics may affect the alignment of teeth. Parents are encouraged to take their children to see the dentist in order to monitor the eruption of their baby teeth and to ensure that they emerge at the right time.

Mothers Don’t Have to Stop Breastfeeding Their Babies When They Start Teething

The only reason why you should stop breastfeeding is when you think that it’s best for you and your baby.

Exclusive Breastfeeding Reduces Your Child’s Risk for Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

When your child’s teeth are frequently exposed to formula or other sugary drinks for long periods of time, you increase their chances of developing baby bottle tooth decay. Although this may affect their other teeth, it mostly occurs in the upper front teeth.

Infant Oral Care for Breastfed Babies

Since natural breast milk still contains sugar, a breastfed child can still have cavities. To avoid this, you must practice proper infant oral health care Boynton Beach habits. Begin by using a clean, moist gauze or washcloth to wipe your infant’s gums on a daily basis. As soon as the first tooth erupts, introduce brushing and the use of fluoride toothpaste that’s about the size of a grain of rice.

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Looking for Infant Oral Health Care Boynton Beach?

For more information about infant oral health care Boynton Beach, schedule a consultation with Miller Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics.