Orthodontic Intake Form

Thank you for considering our office for your orthodontic needs; we assure you that you’ve made an excellent decision! This form is for new Braces and Invisalign Consultations only.

Before your first visit, we request that you complete the following form. By completing this information before your scheduled visit, we can dedicate more time to your needs and introduce you to our incredible team members!

If you have any questions while filling out this information, don’t hesitate to call our office! We are always happy to help.

First name *

Last name *

Phone Number *

Email *

Address *

By providing a mobile number or email address, I agree that Miller Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics may send automated appointment and dental marketing messages at the number and email I provided above. *
I understand that my (or my child's) diagnostic records may be used for educational purposes. I have truthfully answered all the above questions and agree to inform the office of any changes to my medical or dental history. *