Children might need space maintainers if they have lost their teeth naturally or due to decay. Space maintainers can help support and maintain the health of your children’s oral conditions.
Space maintainers are custom made by the dentists in acrylic or metal material. You can either remove it or cement it inside the mouth of your children. The primary purpose of the maintainers is to keep the place empty so that new permanent teeth can erupt without any hindrances. In case of space is not maintained, then the teeth can get shifted, and to cure this, your child may need orthodontic treatment.
Types of Space Maintainers
There are two types of Space Maintainers for children to use:
- Removable-These are similar to the oral tools made of acrylic.
- Fixed- Unilateral, crown and loop, distal shoe, and lingual are some of the fixed space maintainers.
Space Maintainers are customized by the pediatric orthodontist so that they can fit comfortably inside the mouth of your children. Your children might experience slight discomfort in the initial days of wearing the maintainers, but slowly they will get accustomed to it. It is essential to maintain the tools and clean them thoroughly to maintain healthy gum tissues that are free from plaque. Ask the dentist about brushing and flossing to maintain improved oral hygiene.
In case your child is using fixed maintainers, then it will be great if you can avoid sugary and chewy food. They can loosen and get caught in the appliance. Also, make sure that your children do not press or push the maintainers with tongue or finger as that can bend the instrument.
Make sure to take your child to the dentist regularly to monitor the treatment progress. Do not stop receiving the regular dental cleaning appointment with your dentists.